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There are system-generated email notifications, alerts or pages where it redirects you upon completing a specific action. For example, we’ve discussed the setup of Web-Forms in one of the articles here under “Forms-Layouts” in which we learned to test a saved web-form by filling out the form fields and submitting the details. As a result of successfully submitting the form details, you are redirected to the “Confirmation Page” page with a message that the subscription to the list has been confirmed.  Pages and emails like such are managed under Pages/Emails.

In this Article

  • How can I edit system-generated emails and redirect pages?

When you click “Pages/Emails” under “Forms/Layouts” on the main navigation, the resulting page will show a list of all existing system emails, notifications, and pages.


The rows under the first column of the table are showing the name of the pages or emails to help you easily associate with the purpose of email or the redirect page. Like the name “Confirmation Email” having (Web Form) in braces shows that the email with a confirmation link will be sent to the recipients added through the web-form. These emails/notifications are either sent to the recipients (added to the lists) or to the admin of the application for notifying the completion of certain processes i.e. “Notification Email” (Recipient Unsubscribed). Mostly the Notification Emails are meant for the system admin.


With every row in the table, there is an indication of the type if it is an email or a page.

Under the Actions


The only action you can perform is editing the content of the page or email, you can’t delete the records nor can you create/setup new ones. However, if you don’t want to use the default set text for certain emails or pages, you can update the save the preferred text. You can’t change the preset name of the email or page, you can only work with the subject line and text area of the content. If don’t want to show a simple text email or page, you can use the HTML design by pasting it in the HTML source of the editor. The edit page has a similar layout as creating an email function. You can click “Create Email Campaign” and learn more about using different elements on the page. When you edit the content of the pages or emails, make sure you don’t mess with dynamic links and variables that are part of some emails like Unsubscribe_here or [$confirm-link$].

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