Welcome to MailCarry Knowledge-Base Portal.
The Knowledge-Base is the collection of Help Docs to help you understand performing different functions.
MailCarry is collection of core features carefully analyzed and seamlessly knitted to make email marketing, email automation, lead nurturing, sales process management more efficient and easy.
The team behind the platform has categorized the software in two main concepts:
1: Is the arrangement of all essential features necessary for any email software for the contact, list and campaign management.
2: Is adding advanced features, making them more efficiently working in MailCarry.
The Knowledgebase section takes the functions one by one from the left side main navigational menu, and discusses them in the form of How to Guide. If you can see, all articles are arranged in a sequence of main navigation as it is in the application, so that you can easily navigate around and search required how to article from the list. In every article we’ve tried to discuss as much details about the functionality as possible, along with the product screenshots of specific portion to help the users understand how to perform specific actions.
Moreover, in the top right area, you can see a search box that can help you type/search the specific article.